Vital Tips on Eco-Friendly Landscaping

Eco-Friendly Landscaping

Vital Tips on Eco-Friendly Landscaping

In a world where almost everything either guzzles a lot of energy or adversely impacts the environment, you can do your bit towards environment conservation by making sure that your landscaping projects is eco-friendly. The hallmark of an effectively environment friendly landscape is its ability to blend in with the local eco-system as well as the climate by taking into account diverse factors such as precipitation patterns, wind and sun movements, drainage, as well as seasonal change, and the indigenous flora and fauna.  Significantly, it is possible to encounter a number of microclimates even on a single property, and the objective of the eco-friendly landscaping project is to accord due respect to and integrate with the local environment by carefully selecting materials and plants that can naturally thrive and not harm the given surrounds.

Identifying the Site Microclimates

When creating a landscape plan, you need to identify and locate the existing microclimates on the landscaping site. Differences in the microclimates can arise in a site due to various conditions such as the orientation of the site, location and size of the dwelling, topography, pattern of drainage, as well as the location and extent of foliage. The reason why these factors are important is easy to see. The sides that receive more sunlight can be warmer and drier than the rest and this will affect both the material selection as well as the type of greenery to be planted.

Choosing the Site Materials

Besides being pleasing aesthetically, plants have a number of extremely important functions to play in a landscape. Since they are naturally acclimatized to the local condition and climate they tend to grow far better and do not require any special care. When compared to exotic plants, these local plants require less maintenance effort and time. The other big advantage of using local plants is that they do not disturb the existing character of the land.

When choosing structural materials such as pavers, fences, walls, pergolas, etc. you should take into account the environment they will be placed in. You could think of using recycled materials or materials that are native to the region. Materials that are regionally indigenous are environmentally responsive in a number of ways. They not only help maintain the prevalent material style and character of the region but also lower the transportation costs to a great extent as they are locally available.

How to Go About the Lawn

Even though laying a lawn is among the most prevalent landscaping tasks, you should really take a hard look as to whether you really want one and if it is going to fit into the local character. Usually the grasses that are ideal for lawns are not indigenous to the region and do not grow very well unless a lot of care is expended. Since most grasses grow naturally to heights more than the acceptable lawn grass height, the lawn must be periodically mowed as well as watered, fertilized, weeded, and pest-controlled to keep it healthy and conform to its expected appearance.

The synthetic fertilizers that need to be used are environmentally detrimental in a number of ways. Heavy rains can carry them away in streams and rivers where the growth of algae and other aquatic plants can get an artificial boost and upset the ecosystem. If fertilizers must be used, try and ensure that these are organic that are derived from sewage treatment or manure. The use of organic methods not only preserves the quality of the soil and water, but makes it healthier for kids as well as pets. Rather than watering indiscriminately, you should ensure that it is done only when required and that too early in the morning or the evening so that there is no unnecessary evaporation.

Eco-friendly landscaping practice makes your site more attractive and desirable. With the use of scientific practices, you can not only reduce the consumption of energy, and other resources but also expend far less amount of money.

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