10 tips to take care of the environment in your home

Actions to take care of the environment

10 tips to take care of the environment in your home

Are you concerned about our planet and the environment? Change your habits and take small actions to take care of the environment from the comfort of your home.

Taking care of the environment from home is not an impossible mission! We just have to adapt our habits to reuse, recycle and protect what our planet gives us.

In recent years, the “green scene” has become a trend and more and more people care about the environment. And is not for less! If we take care of our world, who will?

Below we share with you some easy tips to take care of the environment in your home. You will see that they are all very simple actions, you just need to be aware of them.

How to take care of the environment in your home

Don’t Waste Water

Easy tips to take care of the environment

Water is a scarce commodity and as such, we must take care of it! The best way to do this is by reducing your waste. To do this, you can carry out small actions such as:

  • Take a shower in less than 10 minutes, instead of taking a bath.
  • Recycle rainwater: you can collect water in buckets and then water your garden with it, for example.
  • Turn off the faucet while you brush your teeth and wash the dishes.
  • Better yet, remove the remains of the dishes, clean them with the damp sponge and a drop of detergent and place them in the sink. Then, you will only have to rinse them. This way you will spend less water. Another option is to fill the sink with water and wash them directly in there. Either way, you’ll use less water than with the tap running.
  • Fix leaks in faucets and toilet tanks.
  • Buy a class A or A+ dishwasher.

Turn Off The Lights You Don’t Use

We must become aware of the cost of energy and we are not only referring to its monetary cost, but also to the pollution that its generation produces. Therefore, we advise you to turn off the lights when you leave a room.

Another option, which is becoming increasingly popular, is to replace all the light bulbs in your house with low-energy light bulbs. You’ll save money and help care for the environment, all together!

Choose Regional And Seasonal Foods

Buying food grown in your region allows you to take care of the environment. How? It is very simple. If you buy food from the area, it should not go over large surfaces in trucks that pollute the planet.

Plus, by choosing seasonal and regional fruits and vegetables, you’ll eat healthier and cheaper, while making a positive impact to support local businesses in your area.

Separate Waste

Recycling is one of the best ways to take care of the environment and, let’s face it, it doesn’t take too much time or work. The best thing is to recycle as a family to teach children to do it so that they can help us.

You can buy special garbage cans or make the separation in bags or boxes. The important thing is that you classify your rubbish so that recyclable waste has a second life!

Create Your Own Compost

Do you have plants in your house or on the balcony? How would you like to make your own compost to fertilize them? Making compost is not complicated, you just need patience and a space dedicated to it.

Here we briefly explain how to prepare compost in a small space:

You need:

  • 1 large pot half filled with soil
  • Earth
  • 1 cardboard the size of the mouth of the pot
  • food scraps

How to make the compost?

  • Place the pot on the balcony.
  • Add the remains of food (vegetable and fruit peels, salad scraps, apple cores… Avoid incorporating meat and dairy products) to the pot.
  • Cover the remains with a little soil and the pot with cardboard.
  • Remove every 3-4 days with a garden trowel.
  • Add a couple of times a week water without soaking the mixture.
  • Wait and you will see how your remains are transformed into quality compost that you can use to create an urban garden or fertilize your plants.

Prepare Your Urban Garden

Self-sufficiency is beneficial for the planet. Have you ever thought about what it would be like to grow your own vegetables at home? Not only would you save money, but you would avoid buying food that has been transported by truck from the other side of the country (or even by plane from another continent).

The effort may seem useless, but if we all had an urban garden, we would surely make an impact in caring for the environment. Also, vegetables and fruits are much tastier and fresh from the plant!

Regulates The Temperature Of The Home

Avoid setting the heating too high in winter and the air conditioning too low in summer. The use of energy must be rational, as we have already mentioned. The planet and your pocket will thank you!

Choose Reusable Products

Avoid buying single-use items. Why use paper napkins if there are cloth napkins that you can wash and reuse? Be aware that each paper napkin you use has been produced from a tree that has been cut down.

The same happens with plastic plates and cups and all the disposable objects that we usually buy, for example, to celebrate children’s birthdays. The indiscriminate use of plastics is highly detrimental to the environment.


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