Reduce noise pollution and what are its consequences

Prevent noise pollution

Reduce noise pollution and what are its consequences

Often, in our day to day and especially if we live in a big city, we experience noise situations: cars, motorcycles, construction sites, planes, helicopters… The list of noise sources is enormous and has effects on our health.

Knowing how to reduce noise pollution can help us take care of our environment and live in more habitable places. Do you want to know what effects noise can have on your well-being? We tell you.

What is Noise Pollution?

Noise pollution can be defined as the excess sound that alters the normal conditions of the environment of a certain place. In other words, it is a noise that affects people’s quality of life in different ways.

The main sources of noise are usually transport (planes, trains, subways, buses), building construction and construction sites, and finally industries. Another source of noise that can be added to the above is the one that occurs when there is a crowd of people in one place: a concert, a bar, or a demonstration. Do they look familiar to you?

What Are the Health Consequences of Noise?

The consequences of noise on health can vary from one situation to another, but, in general, they can be summarized as follows:

  • Hearing loss or hearing ringing in the ears.
  • Psychological problems such as anxiety, stress, or aggressiveness.
  • Physical problems such as increased blood pressure, heart rate, or rate of breathing.
  • Effects related to sleep and rest, have consequences on attention and performance both at school and at work.

As you can see, these are effects that can be serious and have consequences on our daily lives and routines. But do you know that it is also in your hands to avoid noise pollution?

What Can You Do to Fight Against Noise Pollution?

From a small scale, we can also play an important role in the fight against noise and take the following steps to change our habits :

  • Unless absolutely necessary, avoid using motor vehicles and use, for example, a bicycle to commute to work.
  • Avoid using the washing machine and dishwasher at night to avoid noise and disturb other people who may be resting.
  • When you go to a bar or walk down the street, avoid talking loudly or yelling.
  • Control the volume of the television, the radio, or the music you play at home, especially at night.
  • If you have a pet, educate it so that it does not cause inconvenience to other people.

In addition to the above, if you are regularly exposed to high noise levels, you can take steps to protect your health. Here are some ideas!

  • Properly insulate your house to avoid noise.
  • Wear hearing protection when using noise-generating devices.
  • Do not use headphones with very loud music.

As you can imagine, it is, ultimately, that you learn to enjoy the absence of noise and that, between all of us, we respect the silence and the rest of the people around us. Get involved with the cause, and you will see how you and those around you will soon see the results!


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