Five tips to take care of the environment from home

Take care of the environment

Five tips to take care of the environment from home

In these days of quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the environment showed some improvement: the rivers looked clearer, the birds returned to the wetlands and beaches, various species showed up in their natural habitats, and the air we breathed reduced its level of pollution particles. However, this recovery – experts warn – will only be temporary if we do not learn from this experience and return to our activities without correcting many habits that affect the environment and, therefore, our health.

Although the greatest impact is generated due to various activities carried out outside the home, we must bear in mind that being inside it can also harm the environment. Therefore, we present some tips to help you continue this improvement.

Rationing Water

It is estimated that in Peru, between 7 and 8 million people do not have access to water, a fundamental right and one of the main pillars of hygiene issues in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Today, more than ever, it is essential to be responsible with the use of water, changing habits such as taking a long time in the shower (the WHO recommends a time of 5 minutes), letting the water run for a long time when we wash our hands, as well as repairing the famous leaks or plumbing leaks.

Save Electrical Energy

Do not leave the lights on in places where we are not, use energy-saving bulbs, make the most of natural light, do not use air conditioning or heating when not necessary, schedule washing and drying clothes, and do not do it every day. These are some tips that we have heard for a long time, but that we repeatedly do not comply with. Remember that the lower the electricity consumption, the greater the environmental and economic sustainability.


Fundamental oil in various gastronomic preparations, often the oil is used in excess and thrown into pipes, without taking into account that it can cause damage to them (especially if it is hot) and in turn contaminate the water. Ideally, store it in a container and give it a second use. We must also consider that the oil can be recycled and delivered to companies that make other products from this waste.

Acquire Sustainable Products

It is important to know what we buy. Know, for example, the material in which they are wrapped, the way of manufacturing, and even the supplies that are used. We must prefer those that use biodegradable materials or those that in their production have not attacked forests, water sources, and other ecosystems. There is diverse information in the media about companies that do care about the environment, let’s bet on them. Another way to contribute is to always prefer natural products, especially those that arrive thanks to the work of small producers.

Reuse And Recycle

Although Peru is not a country characterized by its culture of recycling (despite the recent approval of a Legislative Decree by the Ministry of the Environment), many families have learned to separate their solid waste (plastic, paper, cardboard, glass, and organic), supported by municipalities and associations of recyclers that take advantage of these materials to manufacture other products.


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